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Unknown 3-Piece Design

Posted by on March 10, 2021


Mystery Staff Button ?




 Heavily silvered, and of a low convex height, this early 3- piece button is as much civilian as it is martial in appearance. A well made Scovill product, with an early back mark: is it civilian, could it be a missing link staff, or did someone fall asleep at the assembly line and forget to strike the face die?  The button mics out at 22.4 mm X 7.5 mm in hgt, as do the early SCOVILL 3 piece staffs.  The back mark is ” J.M.L. & W.H. SCOVILL / WATERBURY / EXTRA SUPERFINE”. The button has been in huge staff collection for many years and recently came into my collection , where it will reside as a staff button based on similarities and “owner’s prerogative”.   Maybe more exist on uniforms or coats. If anyone has any information or opinions regarding this button, please contact me to discuss.    Bill

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